School of Medical Affairs | Training for MSLs and Medical Advisors
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Practical information 
Training or workshops will be fully customized for you and your team. This is why we start with a discussion on the team needs, after which we will put together a proposal.

It is also possible for us to provide a skill and knowledge assessment of the team members, or we can review any assessments that have already been done, on which we will then base our development recommendations.

Who would benefit from the trainings? 
The trainings and workshops are valuable for MSLs, Medical Advisors and managers with all levels of experience.

We can provide separate sessions for Medical Affairs Leaders, where we work on practical understanding of running a Medical Affairs team, combined with interpersonal and leadership skills.

In addition, we have a lot to offer to professionals in other industries, such as the Medical Devices.

Whatever the composition and experience of your team, we will ensure there is added value for all participants.

Live workshops and e-learning

Depending on the circumstances and your needs, we can provide both live workshops on location, live-online workshops and e-learnings or a combination of all three.

Training and/or individual coaching?

We are happy to do individual or group coaching, helping you and your team members create a greater impact. This can be done in combination with training, but we also offer coaching as a separate service.


Do you want to take your team to a higher level, but you are not sure which type of training or workshops would be suitable? Contact us, we are happy to have a chat and provide advice. No strings attached!